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I'm sure I have posted an introduction in here before, but it was probably years ago and I didn't see it.

My name is Bonnie. I am 29 and have been reading Gothic Romance since I was around 14 or 15. My mom used to read them when she was younger, though now she claims they bore her, and I found one of hers lying around the house one day and read it. I had a large collection for awhile consisting of her old books, and some that had belonged to my grandmother or great grandmother before her, as well as some picked up from library sales and thrift stores. I sold them all when my son was born, I needed money and was thinking I could easily replace them later. Then the libraries stopped having library sales of old books and thrift stores seemed to stop carrying them. 

I have a 400+ collection of Gothics (not all are Romance) currently. Most of which I have picked up from the Book Thing of Baltimore, where you can select up to 150,000 books per person per day completely free. I don't get to go there as often as I'd like since I don't drive and it would cost $40 to take a cab. This seems to be about the only place I can find them without resorting to ordering books online anymore.

I just finished Dorothy Daniels' Willow Weep, Lyda Belknap Long's House of the Deadly Nightshade, and Jean Muir's the Smiling Medusa.

I have a page on Facebook for Gothic Romance and Gothic Horror Novels and Films, that has pictures of every Gothic (or possible Gothic) I have been able to find pictures of online. A friend and I started it because there don't seem to be too many resources online, and the ones that exist only have so many books mentioned.

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Hello - by Ladyindecadence - 12-31-2015, 05:25 AM
RE: Hello - by Eris Ansel Albert - 10-28-2016, 03:59 AM
RE: Hello - by Simaar - 11-15-2016, 03:08 AM

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