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Full Version: Daoma Winston Dies at 90
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Many on this forum have enjoyed the work of Daoma Winston, who left us this May at the age of ninety. Her writing career spanned thirty years (1965–95) and some fifty-odd books.

On a similar note, I was quite bummed to read that Gwendoline Butler/Jennie Melville passed away earlier this year with little fanfare.
(09-06-2013, 01:26 AM)Cherchezlafemme Wrote: [ -> ]RIP.

On a similar note, I was quite bummed to read that Gwendoline Butler/Jennie Melville passed away earlier this year with little fanfare.

Mary Stewart (b. 1916!) is still with us. According to Wikipedia, she "is currently semi-retired and resides in Edinburgh, Scotland."

Turns 97 this month and only semi-retired! Does that mean we might expect one more book?