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I'd like to share a couple of ebay auctions here. They are not my items but they're reprints of 19th century gothic chapbooks (aka "bluebooks") from Zittaw press. I don't know the owner of Zittaw personally but I've spoken to him online a couple times and I've seen examples of these books myself. They're really cool and made to look like the original old gothic chapbooks of the 1800s.

The Subterraneous Passage; or, Gothic Cell. (1803) A Romance by Sarah Wilkinson is listed here:

Albert of Werdendorf; or, The Midnight Embrace (1812) by Sarah Wilkinson is listed here:

There are multiple copies of each available. Zittaw Press has been dedicated to reprinting a lot of uncommon and obscure gothic tales that would probably otherwise be lost, and certainly unavailable to the common reader. This is a chance to own a limited edition handcrafted gothic chapbook without spending a fortune on the authentic first editions.
What great idea!